Fall 2005
Directed by: Jesse Camarata, Bonnie Gill
November 18th, and 19th
Jacob Sleeper Auditorium
871 Commonwealth Avenue
Fri. @ 7pm, Sat. @ 2pm and 7pm
Tickets: $3
Plot Synopsis:
The reigning DUKE decides it's time to take a little vacation, and so he puts the hardass ANGELO in charge of the town of Vienna. However, instead of actually leaving town, the DUKE just puts on a costume and sticks around to watch his little city run.
The trouble starts early when ANGELO begins to enforce wicked old laws, and sentences CLAUDIO to death for making babies with his fiancé, pre-marriage like. At CLAUDIO's request, LUCIO finds CLAUDIO's sister, ISABELLA and asks her to plead to ANGELO to spare CLAUDIO. (confused yet?). ANGELO hears ISABELLA out, and then tells her if she sleeps with him, he'll spare CLAUDIO. ISABELLA is appalled, as she's quite the prude—I mean, virtuous— and won't do it. The DUKE intercedes (still incognito) and saves the day, with trademark Shakespearian plot twists.
In the end, the good get rewarded, the bad get punished, and the hot get laid. A grand time is had by all.
Directed by Jesse Cammarata and Bonnie Gill, BUSS's Fall 05 production Measure For Measureis at its core about life: sometimes gunny, sometimes grim, sometimes set to music--but in the end, always real. The show asks questions that is does not and arguably cannot answer, and above all forces us to look into ourselves to find out who we really are below the surface.
The Cast
Duke Vincentio: Stephen Saxton
Isabella: Katie McNamara
Angelo: Josh Nicholson
Lucio: Dave Strichartz
Claudio: Michael Bacovcin
Escalus: Kate Given
Provost: Corey Eridon
Pompey: Danielle Muehlenbein
Mariana: Lisa Walden
Mistress Overdone: Rachael Nisen Kier
Juliet: Kathryn Stevenson
Elbow/Gentleman 1: Arielle Davidsohn
Froth/Gentleman 2: Jenny Paul
Abhorson: Christine Avery
Thanks to everyone who tried out!