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Director - James Melo

Assistant Director - Elizabeth Ramirez

Technical Director - Elizabeth Moss​


The story of the general who, manipulated by the pernicious Iago, is driven to inhuman acts of vengeance against his innocent wife.

Friday 11/9/12: 8pm
Saturday 10/9/12: 2pm & 8pm

Student Theater at Agganis Arena
Tickets: $5 at the door or in advance at the GSU Link

Othello –– Kell Cameron
Desdemona –– Frances Gossen
Iago –– Elizabeth Moss
Emilia –– Meghan Kelly
Cassio –– Adam Eisenstein
Roderigo –– Arnaldo Pereira
Brabantio –– Ami Bowers
Lodovico –– Kate Brunner
Duke/Bianca –– Emma Alden
Montano/Ensemble –– Melissa Lesh
Gratiano/Ensemble –– Arryeh Harris-Shapiro


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